
The Rivertowns Enterprise

Oh, What a Night

“Twelfth Night” builds a foundation of anticipation for what’s next. 

News 12

Rivertowns Playhouse in Irvington to produce rare rendition of play by Sir Ian McKellen

One of the star actors from "The Lord of the Rings" franchise is lending his artistic spirit to a village in Westchester this weekend. Sir Ian McKellen gave special permission to the Rivertowns Playhouse in Irvington to produce a rare rendition of one of his plays.

The Rivertowns Enterprise


This week’s issue is not sponsored by Rivertowns Playhouse. Nevertheless, photos of their final performance of “Love’s Labour’s Lost” pepper its pages because the production, and the company, deserve the attention.

The Hudson Independent

RIVERTOWNS PLAYHOUSE Scores Big in Regional Theater Nominations

Every year, Broad­way World nom­i­nates ac­tors, play­wrights, chore­o­g­ra­phers—all the many con­trib­u­tors who make live the­ater what it is—This year, RTP has gar­nered a slew of nom­i­na­tions in the Westch­ester/​Rock­land re­gion. 

NBC Right Now


An all-star cast has been hard at work for weeks preparing.

Google Review

5 Stars!

Just saw the Rivertowns Playhouse’s production of Love’s Labor’s Lost. Such a great production, stellar performance by the entire cast, and a beautiful outdoor setting that both contributed to the creativity of the play and provided a breezy, lovely time even on a hot day. Everyone should go catch this one and plan to see future shows. I know I’ll be looking forward to them!

The Rivertowns Dispatch

Production blends Shakespeare with Lincoln and Booth

In 2021, Saliani came across a grainy video on YouTube of a 1982 PBS broadcast of “Acting Shakespeare” that inspired him to reach out to his former professor at NYU Tisch School of the Arts to learn more about the production. A chain of messages led Saliani to receive a letter from McKellen five months later.

“I prefer small potatoes to large ones, and I would be very happy for Kamran Saliani to revive ‘Acting Shakespeare’ at no charge,” the letter read. Ever since then it’s just been a mission for me to revive this play, adapt it, turn it into something after I felt inspired by watching it on YouTube.

The Hudson Independent

art­fully blends stand-up com­edy, mu­sic, and drama

Act­ing Shake­speare In­side Amer­i­ca’s Wilder­ness is an in­no­v­a­tive and com­pelling 90-minute per­for­mance that art­fully blends stand-up com­edy, mu­sic, and drama into an ex­trav­a­gant night of the­ater.

Google Review


Wonderful opportunity to see the talented RTP perform one of Shakespeare's lesser known plays, exploring the themes of gender, identity and power, challenging us to explore who we really are, and whom we really love. Creatively staged on the terrace of Mercy College Verrazano Hall, this performance beautifully incorporates the background of sloping lawn and river views. Enjoy!

Google Review

Bravo, RTP!

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing two productions (summer 2021 & spring 2022) and believe Westchester is lucky to have Rivertowns Playhouse presenting Shakespeare to new audiences. Bravo, RTP! 👏👏👏

Google Review


An amazing abridged adaptation of Love’s Labour’s Lost! Funny and extremely well acted. I loved the outdoor setting of the show as well.

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